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The End of The Human Race?

A few days ago I read an article in the INDEPENDENT newspaper in the UK. The article talked about the latest 'JAW-DROPPING DISCOVERY in genetic science. Geneticists have found a way to literally 'conqueror death'. It's hailed as the holy grail of youth and possibly immortality by the excited scientists. I wrote an article a few years ago that dealt with these discoveries in the future (our now/present)....Check it out what I wrote and then check out the link below. Peace & Love

Extract from Jah Rastafari (volume 2) THE BABYLON SYSTEM

The world pop and film culture, headed by Hollywood, has for a very long time, been harnessed by the controllers of the Babylon System to fill our minds with these ideas so that these things will become acceptable to the masses. The prevalence of science fiction genre movies, super-hero films such as X-Men, Spiderman, Heroes and Superman and so on are indicative of this agenda. Through advertising and popular music/fashion and the entertainment culture that posits the notion of the perfect human body, Transhumanist doctrine is being constantly fed to the masses. Most people will subscribe to the philosophy of Transhumanism as a natural course of the relentless indoctrination process. No one will want to be left out.

Genetic research is certainly the most crucial area of human endeavors presently. This field of science has been touted as what is tantamount to being the ‘holy grail’ of human existence. With genetic engineering it’s possible to clone, reshape and remodel the physical biology of not just human beings but potentially all other life forms on the planet earth.  What’s being termed the science of Transhumanism has been thrown around for many years by a growing number of white academics and scientists who appear to suffer from the old disease of megalomania, paranoia and an inferiority complex born of insufferably vanity. They are the end result of flawed Darwinian scientific speculation; the paranoid dreamers locked within a paradigm of existence that they believe (astonishingly) they have the ability (and worse still), the authority to do with as they see fit. The Illuminati controllers believe that white people will take the bait and become willing slaves because the false utopian dream that they present will not be rejected by a frightened and confused white society; a high tech computerized world, physically enhanced intelligence and comic book style human beings with super-powers. Those who reject these things will be left behind to quietly fade from existence.The ‘new humans’, according to Transhumanist doctrine, will be predominantly white or Aryan. Those few Indians, Chinese, Japanese and so on who comply with the agenda will also have various minor or subordinate roles to play, within specific parameters; (a small handful of Black Africans will be kept alive for genetic research and slave labour purposes. As the primary template for human life-form on earth, black Africans hold much key genetic information. The new humans will be made with specific genetic traits that assist the function of the Illuminati’s new utopia. They will use phrases to describe themselves such as - ‘homo superior’ and ‘meta-humans’:The mapping of the human genome (now underway) is understood as desirable regarding two major areas: medical applications and genetic engineering. Simply put, the major concept pertinent to those two areas involves deleting undesirable genetic materials and inserting desirable ones. The ultimate goal, of course, is the production of the perfect human specimen; ‘perfect’ at least from the genetic point of view. The potentials of this are awesome, staggering. One of the fall-outs is that human history will be completely redirected, more or less in one fell swoop. The potentials, however, are not yet clear regarding their details. But whatever those will turn out to be, they are inevitable, certain and unavoidable. You see, hardly anyone will resist the engineering of the genetically perfected human... Those who do resist, or have reservations, will find themselves pissing into the wind of this great change.The Illuminati bloodlines will be the dominant force within the gene-pool of the new white race alongside their ‘human/alien hybrid masters’. This new utopia will function on advanced technology (which they already have waiting in place for when the change comes).It might be okay to contemplate the genetic engineering of super bodies, super immune systems, super strength, even super intelligence, but the genetic engineering of super-powers such as mind-reading, telepathy, clairvoyance or PK, well, this will be another matter, so much so that its parameters almost surely will be dealt with in deepest secrecy.We do know that human beings possess an array of sensory faculties that are mostly not used consciously. The Transhumanist scientists are aware of these and have set out to activate them artificially in their chosen subjects:Indeed, neurobiologists have already discovered many different kinds of sensory receptors [in human beings] as well as a number of receptors for which no function is recognizable so far. Also, certain DNA-sequencing has been discovered for which no functional correlation is recognizable.The future Illuminati autocracy will create the principle mode of civilization on earth alongside their alien/human hybrid extraterrestrial partners and interdimensional handlers. Part of the problem in understanding this reality is the fact that it sounds so much like comic book fantasy or science fiction. In the enormously important book entitled The Threat by Dr. David Jacobs, some people who have been abducted by the Grey aliens report that they have witnessed hybrid alien children who displayed extraordinary super-powers of telekinesis and telepathy. The Grey aliens have been breeding hybrids that can manipulate normal human beings in the most extraordinary ways. This speaks volumes about the future to come when human beings will have to confront this threat to our very survival. The natural abilities that humans are supposed to realize through conscious and methodical development on earth over time will be brought forward by genetic engineering to manifest in the hands of some of the most evil people on earth.The psychic super-powers are a natural part of the consciousness technology of the human mind. Secretly, the mapping of the human genome by Illuminati sponsored scientists is geared toward the development of human super powers in selected individuals and groups of Illuminati affiliates. The development and application of genetic technology that will assist in the enhancement of human sensory faculties to project psychic abilities and ‘super-powers’ is a conscious and expressed endeavor of the new World Order conspirators.Within the African Tradition for thousands of years human beings have employed the super-power capabilities of the human mind. On deeper analysis this is essentially what African magic really entails and indeed the shamanic traditions of the world’s indigenous cultures. Through a process of initiation, meditation and various mental disciplines, a human being can naturally activate the super-powers of the mind and this is attested to by numerous African spiritualists and masters of mental sciences all across Africa, Jamaica and many other places.  Within the Indian Vedic culture and Tibetan Buddhist tradition these things are outlined very clearly. The process of spiritual initiation is designed to separate the egotistical and negative elements who might wish to use these powers for selfish (service-to-self) or evil purposes. The predatory alien controllers of the Babylon System are applying these principles right now as a means to consolidate their powers on earth. The breeding of ‘super-soldiers’ and armies of ‘sensitives’ and psychics is intended to extend their power base and allow them to finally take complete control of human development and the direction of human evolution. This is the real nature of the future being established right now, whether one chooses to believe it or not. The future alien/human hybrid will represent the labour of thousands of years of alien genetic manipulation of select human bloodlines that will eventually facilitate the conjoining of interdimensional forces.


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