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FUTURE BEING - Racism, Utopia and the Alien Agenda

If we really want to find the truth we can. Sometimes when the truth appears, if we’re not prepared to confront it head on it can completely blow our minds because it can sometimes be unacceptable to our constrained way of thinking. It’s not easy to accept the unacceptable. Yet in the final analysis, truth cannot be denied.
Our entire existence as human beings on planet earth is threatened with extinction by a very small, nihilistic group of sub-human entities labeled the Illuminati who have become insane with the lust for power, domination and control. This small group is directly influenced by consciously destructive ‘forces’ that exist within the boundaries of the multidimensional structure in which we live the Creation Field. This scenario is clarified by our prevailing religious and spiritual structures, mythological and the growing knowledge of the conspiracy that elucidates the very nature of the Babylon System.
I have (hopefully) given just a brief overview of the situation. Some people will find these things unpalatable for various reasons. The demonic-alien agenda is rapidly advancing to its conclusive stages and therein lays our predicament. Most people are not ready to confront the unthinkable; that the human race has become the victim of an elaborate deception that traverses time, space and dimensions. It’s up to each individual to find information and educate themselves as quickly as possible, making this the absolute priority in life. With information comes knowledge and with knowledge comes choice. The future is not one of blind childish optimism but of stark and chilling realism. Knowing the truth isn’t always comfortable but whatever happens, it’s vital that we know. The inter-dimensional alien predators, Greys, Reptilians, Nordics and their higher dimensional handlers represents the most clear and present danger to the entire human race and cannot be trusted in anyway whatsoever, no matter the spin by many in the Ufo circles and the present disclosure projects in the USA.The near future will reveal the true extent of the awful predicament that the human race faces. It’s certain that the demonic alien collective is an inter-dimensional intelligence allied with various other negative/demonic forces that intends to overthrow human beings and establish themselves on earth as our overlords. It has been ascertained that these creatures have definitely influenced our racial past in terms of genetic manipulations and other methods we are not presently aware of. How that was achieved is still in the realms of conjecture at this moment however ‘time manipulation’ is a major key to understanding how this was achieved. Crucially, the predators have manipulated specific groups of humans for some thousands of years therefore it’s in the realm of possibility that their breeding program has been going on over this vast period of time. There are areas of research that has proved incredibly challenging because of the very nature of the deception. It’s now becoming obvious to many that the human race has been ‘tampered with’ genetically over its long history on earth, not just by the Greys, Nordics and Reptilians but others as well. No doubt the earth has long been seen as a great treasure trove by various interstellar and inter-dimensional alien factions. There is a glaringly obvious undercurrent (for want of a better word) of racism within the context of this phenomenon that almost no researcher has had the guts to admit or clarify. The UFO phenomenon is predominantly seen from the point of view of white Euro/American people’s interaction with aliens. We are led to believe that black people seem to have had very little involvement (except in a few isolated cases). However my extensive research into this phenomenon has shown that black Africans were the first and (perhaps most significant group) to have been influenced by this alien agenda many thousands of years ago going back into human prehistory. Certainly the genesis of human beings on earth is interwoven within the alien agenda in ways that might appear absolutely shocking to most humans. The African tradition speaks of contingents of Reptilian beings who came to earth in prehistoric times and interbred with human beings in Africa.

It’s imperative to understand that the problem of racism that hampers our humanity is a carefully crafted weapon to disable our progress as a species. One researcher, British author, Nigel Kerner has gone out on a limb in this regard and has theorized certain very uncomfortable aspects of the alien agenda on earth. My own research over many years has pointed to this scenario being extremely relevant to deeper understanding of the alien phenomenon. He contends, as do I, that specific groups of elite Caucasian (Aryan) people have been manipulated into the interdimensional alien agenda for reasons that deal with the future development of the entire human race. This, in a very strange way, appears to be the roots of what we come to regard as racism on earth. Nigel Kerner states:Could it be that some of us have been programmed by alien experimenters to keep the experimental group separate in order to preserve the integrity of the experiment? Could racism be a sure sign of alien genetic interception; an interception for their purposes and in their interests and not ours? If so, the new techno-colonialism and the fact that the technological progress that makes it possible springs almost entirely from the Euro-Caucasian genotype, may well suggest this is their prime homozygotic group. In fact, this group is considered by genetic anthropologists to be the most in-bred of all. Tracing its origins to Cro-Magnon man, it is one of the most homozygotic in the world. As I have said, it goes without saying the most heinous forms of racism also originate from this group, again confirming the hypothesis. I believe the northern Mongoloid genotype may also be the latest experimental hotbed for the Greys in this regard’.These might appear very unsettling assertions to say the least but when we analyze historical data concerning the genesis of northern European racial groups many perplexing things start to make real sense. The incredible amnesic barrier that prevents human beings from tracing a precise linear path of our evolution as a species on earth speaks volumes about the program of alien deception carried out over thousands of years and definitely alludes to what I firmly believe to be temporal alterations and adjustments on levels we cannot presently comprehend. The manipulation of time is one of the key factors that must be considered in this equation. Some ancient Aryan groups that dominated the Mediterranean, I believe, were specific parts of the breeding program. We do know from biblical scriptures that the ‘God’, Jehovah or Yahweh who led Moses and the Israelites from Egypt, was very particular about the genetic homogeneity of ‘his chosen people’. Sex, breeding and the singular belief in these processes essentially form the core of Jewish faith. In fact the ancient Jews committed some of the most horrendous ‘ethnic cleansing’ against all the other peoples they encountered in their quest to conquer a territory in which they could establish themselves as a nation; a land promised’ to them by their God’ who clearly sanctioned the callous slaughter and cruel genocide of men, women and children who were not genetically related to the Jews. The details of this can be read by anyone and reasoned out to the chilling point. Throughout the millennia the Jews have kept to this formula even to this present day. The tragedy of the Jewish holocaust during World War II might also be part of the great puzzle. Is it possible that the Aryanism of Hitler and his Nazis and their quest to exterminate all Jews have correlations with the alien agenda and their breeding programs in some elusive manner? It’s also possible that warring factions of Greys and Nordics influenced (directly or indirectly) clashes between different genetic groups on earth (for example, Jews and Aryans, blacks and whites) for specific purposes that we don’t know? The more we delve into history and its potential ramifications the more we see elusive patterns merging into uncomfortable pictures. These things touch on some of the interesting points that Nigel Kerner takes up in his work: And so it seems that the old Master race principle of pure white non-mixed superiority is the biggest canard and self delusion that prevails in the psyche of the Homo Sapiens gene base. A dangerous and deadly delusion programmed through genetic engineering by an alien roboid form [Greys]to keep our genes more easily amenable for supplementation with theirs, to thus gradually give rise to a machine man; a form of hybrid that is artificially composed and configured to give alien [Greys]the facility to multiply through a natural birthing process.
This is exactly what the alien/human hybrid breeding program is all about. The problems we face with racism in human societies were engineered by our inter-dimensional predators as a measure to isolate specific groups of whites as experimental breeding material.

Genetic scientists assert the model of a gradual development and mutation of the Africoid race into the various branches of colours that we are now familiar with. What we do find is that the Caucasoid (white) branch of the human family appears to have developed into its recognizable form only in Europe (Germany, Russia and later on Scandinavia). The development of white European culture is shrouded in a fog of mystery. Antediluvian artifacts and other paraphernalia such as writing are extremely scarce in comparison to other cultures. When we scrutinize the historical data of social development of early human beings (i.e. 40,000 BC to 10,000 B.C) we are faced with very obvious and mysterious gaps along the way that no one has been able to clarify as yet. The sudden appearance of Aryan peoples from the Caucasus regions onto the world stage does not seem to be substantiated by current models of human evolutionary theories. At what point did European people become white? What were the genetic dynamics that created this paradigm? What are the indicators of the transitional stages of this process? How could whites have survived something as ferocious as an Ice Age in Europe without firm cultural/social structures? Look at all the social problems we have nowadays in our modern societies when just a little snow falls. A great deal of nonsense has been written about this issue but no one has ever seriously tackled these enigmas. The rise from complete obscurity of the elusive Aryan peoples of Europe is still one of the greatest mysteries on earth. Virtually nothing is known about them before they were supposed to have emerged in Northern India some 1700BC or thereabouts. No one seems to know very much about them at all, yet European cultural perception seems to be locked into identifying with this very enigmatic small group of ancient whites. These people were supposed to have invaded India from Europe, conquering the indigenous dark skinned population and eventually becoming the high caste rulers of India. When we analyze the data concerning this supposed great Indo-European nation that conquered India thousands of years ago, we are faced with an almost blank wall. The amnesia that seems to over shadow the beginnings of Greek civilization also seem to fit into this enigma. White Euro/American archaeologists have woven an intricately detailed tapestry of blatantly falsified information that gives completely (and deliberately) misleading data concerning these issues. Unless you are a diligent and passionate scholar you will totally miss countless crucial details and anomalies that completely overturn this paradigm. The manner in which small groups of nomadic, war-like, illiterate barbarians created the Indus Valley civilizations and wrote the Vedas, Upanishad, Bhagavad-Gita  and various Indian holy books has never been realistically explained by any historian at all:
The Aryans built no cities, no states, no granaries, and used no writing. Instead they were a warlike people that organized themselves in small individual tribal, kinship units, the Jana. The Jana was ruled over by a war-chief. These tribes spread quickly over northern India and the Deccan in a process that we still do not yet understand
The only explanation that can elucidate the emergence of the small group designated as the Aryan type so suddenly is the deliberate intervention and genetic manipulation of that group by an ‘outside agency’, what I refer to as the alien predators. We see very similar procedures in the historical development of the Jewish nation. The sudden emergence of the Mongoloid racial groups is also an intricate part of this puzzle. 
Certainly the advances made in technology by whites over the centuries appear to follow a linear process but on deeper analysis can be seen to have been ‘prodded’ along to suit more far reaching agendas. The vast and sudden increase of technological development by Euro/American nations over the last three hundred years is therefore, in this view, indicative of this process of direct intervention in human development by outside agencies.
We do know that the new alien/human hybrids now in production are being integrated into human society. They are indistinct in phenotype (appearance) from normal looking Caucasian humans. British author, Nigel Kerner, states further: It’s my theory that the Greys have, through the millennia, been configuring a certain genus of humanity who is specially designed for their own purposes. This particular type of human being will do their bidding with the planet tacitly and by default. These are the colonialists of whom Professor Susan Greenfield speaks along with any notions they might have of racial purity or superiority. It would seem the vanguard of the new artificial intelligence revolution is also the vanguard of racism and disregard for the predicament of those of a different skin colour who don’t even have clean water to drink. Thus, those who are already de-humanized seem to be the ones promoting further dehumanizationThe human race, in the final analysis, is at war with a force so insidious, manipulative and inscrutable that all the systems of logic and reasoning we are familiar with seem to pale into insignificance. But this is the crucial point; we have to dig deeper into our mental tool box’ to find the proper responses to this deadly invasion of our humanity. The Reptilian/Grey/Nordic extraterrestrial alliance (and their 5th and 6th dimensional handlers) have, over the years, (unwittingly or otherwise) exposed certain aspects of their ultimate agenda to some abductees and going by this and analysis of their behavioral patterns we have gleaned crucially important parts of the agenda. There will certainly be global cataclysm and devastation such as huge tectonic plate movements causing massive earthquakes and displacement of millions of people. There will be massive volcanic eruptions and unprecedented violent hurricanes and weather disturbances that will claim the lives of billions of human beings. According to very reliable sources the World War III scenario will almost certainly become a devastating reality; (the Iran/North Korea/China/Afghanistan situation is the warm up to this event). It’s also possible that there might be an asteroid or meteor impact that would cause great damage to the earth. Any combinations of these scenarios are possible. These incidents will cause global panic as theories about the earth shifting poles or orbit becomes widespread. Our technological advances in communications will be used to consolidate the stark fear of what is happening. All these things will psychologically impact upon the human race dramatically and allow the predatory alien-demons to appear publicly holding out the hand of friendship and offers of help in our moment of weakness. We do know that many abductees have been trained, programmed and implanted with cybernetic devices by the Greys to assist their efforts ‘from the inside’ when the time comes for the takeover. The demons will not appear themselves on account of the terror they undoubtedly strike in the hearts of human beings by their physical appearance. The human/alien hybrids will be the presentable side to their agenda. Of course the hybrids will appear as super intelligent, handsome and beautiful aliens from some far away planet or the other, who saw our plight and have come to help us. Other aspects of this scenario will include the using of our religious structures to imply that they are our ancient Gods returned with beneficence, or angelic beings from heaven or the fourth dimension and so on. That is essentially the bait which the aliens firmly believe will lure humanity into their cold hands. It’s important to remember that the Illuminati faction on earth is merely a tool to facilitate the New World Order so that the alien-demonic takeover can be as smooth as possible. The forces of the New World Order will provide the necessary logistics such as intelligence, storm-troopers and armies to quell any dissent by humans opposed to alien invasion and takeover and to implement policies of ethnic cleansing across the earth. The political organization of the New World Order will be headed by the alien/human hybrids who will act as management teams. Nigel Kerner alludes to this strongly when he states: Are we being conned by a conspiracy controlled by a small hidden powerful cartel of alien sponsored genotypes within governments; a cartel that [goes beyond] presidents and prime ministers? What a chilling thought this is! The predators, being so meticulous and efficient, would certainly not want to expend unnecessary energy in having to deal with cleaning up any mess that might accrue as a result of their conquest.
Despite the nature of the situation we must never at any point give in to despair. We do have more than a fighting chance. The fact that these entities have had to hide in the shadows for so long while they manipulate us is a clear sign that (in some very strange way) they also fear us. They are in fact not really more intelligent than us at all; they just use their intelligence in very different ways than we do.  They would like to become like us; to feel like us and to have access to the divine spiritual energy that we are naturally connected to. Being a human being is a very precious thing.
It’s also important to recognize that there are many very positive and truly benign beings in our universe that are completely aware of the situation on earth. Many of these beings have also been interacting with humanity throughout our history, assisting our development through spiritual guidance and imparting consciousness transforming knowledge. We always must remember this and be open to the positive vibrations whenever it manifests. Positive beings do not use force or manipulation to coerce us into liaisons with them; they always follow the code of service-to-others not the service-to-self mode of interaction. Within the larger spiritual realms, the higher hierarchies of positive forces are always working to assist our evolution positively. 


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