There is definately an Awakening in the consciousness of many people these days and it's important that we all try in whatever way we can, individually and collectively, to assist this process. One key part of the process is the dawning of new knowledge, or more precisely, knowledge that is being resurrected by our soulful desire to embrace truth in its wider context. The issue of ancient or prehistoric African civilizations is paramount to the process of awakening that we are all going through. Africa is the birth-pool of all humanity and therefore if we want ajnswers to the questions about human origins, we have to look there. There will be very searching and uncomfortable questions, but truth is not about comfort.
I came across some research about these issues that I feel are very important and consciousness expanding.....
There is nothing scientific published about the spheres but the facts are: they are found in pyrophyllite, which is mined near the town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal. This pyrophyllite (Al2Si4O10(OH)2) is quite a soft secondary mineral with a count of only 3 on the Moh's scale and was formed by sedimentation about 2.8 billion years ago.
On the other hand, the globes, which have a firbous structure on the inside with a shell around it, are very hard and cannot be scratched, even by steel. It also seems tyhat the spheres are so delicately balanced that, even with modern technology, they would need to have been made in zero gravity. The story goes that scientists at NASA were totally awed when they examined them, and were unable to come up with any explanation.
I want to also look at something else that seems quite literally 'out of this world'. This is where I go off into the realm of 'imaginative thinking'.
I noticed that the spheres roughly dates from the era of the Nuclear Power stations in West Africa (Gabon). The spheres and the Nuclear Power stations are roughly 2.8 Billion years old. This time scale might seem incredible seeing that the earth is supposed to be aboput 4.55 billion years old and life is supposed to have begun about 3.7 billion years ago.
Also, there is an unsual resemblance between the ancient African spheres and Iapetus, one of Saturn's moons. This might seem a very strange comparison but on further scrutiny (as I have explained in my latest book, The Babylon System) there are very ancient legends and myths from many tribes in Africa that the most ancient Ancestors indeed came from the stars and settled on earth.
According to the Zulu, Bambara, Dogon and others, many Ancestors came to earth from elsewhere in very remote times, before civilization was formed on earth. In fact, one story told by the famous Zulu Shaman, Credo Mutwa, spoke of human beings coming to earth from the Sirius star system in what looked like a giant metal egg. After the humans were deposited on earth, this metal egg was taken back up into space and presumely left there. Fanciful stories maybe, but the new information that's been coming out as a consequence of the present collective human awakening process is shaking the very foundations of current knowledge.
Incidentally, I thought that one grooved sphere from African looked remarkably similiar not just to Iapetus but (curiously) the Death Star in the Star wars movies.
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