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Showing posts from 2013

FUTURE BEING - Racism, Utopia and the Alien Agenda

If we really want to find the truth we can. Sometimes when the truth appears, if we’re not prepared to confront it head on it can completely blow our minds because it can sometimes be unacceptable to our constrained way of thinking. It’s not easy to accept the unacceptable. Yet in the final analysis, truth cannot be denied. Our entire existence as human beings on planet earth is threatened with extinction by a very small, nihilistic group of sub-human entities labeled the Illuminati who have become insane with the lust for power, domination and control. This small group is directly influenced by consciously destructive ‘forces’ that exist within the boundaries of the multidimensional structure in which we live the Creation Field. This scenario is clarified by our prevailing religious and spiritual structures, mythological and the growing knowledge of the conspiracy that elucidates the very nature of the Babylon System. I have (hopefully) given just a brief overview of th...

The End of The Human Race?

A few days ago I read an article in the INDEPENDENT newspaper in the UK. The article talked about the latest 'JAW-DROPPING DISCOVERY in genetic science. Geneticists have found a way to literally 'conqueror death'. It's hailed as the holy grail of youth and possibly immortality by the excited scientists. I wrote an article a few years ago that dealt with these discoveries in the future (our now/present)....Check it out what I wrote and then check out the link below. Peace & Love Extract from Jah Rastafari (volume 2) THE BABYLON SYSTEM The world pop and film culture, headed by Hollywood, has for a very long time, been harnessed by the controllers of the Babylon System to fill our minds with these ideas so that these things will become acceptable to the masses. The prevalence of science fiction genre movies, super-hero films such as X-Men, Spiderman, Heroes and Superman and so on are indicative of this agenda. Through advertising and popular mu...

2 Billion Year Old Man Made Spheres Found In Africa...

There is definately an Awakening in the consciousness of many people these days and it's important that we all try in whatever way we can, individually and collectively, to assist this process. One key part of the process is the dawning of new knowledge, or more precisely, knowledge that is being resurrected by our soulful desire to embrace truth in its wider context. The issue of ancient or prehistoric African civilizations is paramount to the process of awakening that we are all going through. Africa is the birth-pool of all humanity and therefore if we want ajnswers to the questions about human origins, we have to look there. There will be very searching and uncomfortable questions, but truth is not about comfort. I came across some research about these issues that I feel are very important and consciousness expanding.....    Over the last few decades of the 20th century, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal spheres. Origin u...

2 Billion Year Old Nuclear Reactor Found In Africa

The remnants of nuclear reactors nearly two billion years old were found in the 1970s in Africa. These reactors are thought to have occurred naturally. No natural reactors exist today, since the relative density of fissile uranium has now decayed below that needed for a sustainable reaction. Pictured above is Fossil Reactor 15, located in Oklo, Gabon. Uranium oxide remains are visible as the yellowish rock. Oklo by-products are being used today to study the stability of the fundamental constants over cosmological time-scales and to develop more effective means for disposing of human-manufactured nuclear waste. In 1972, a French company imported some uranium ore from Oklo in the Gabon Republic in Africa. Surprisingly the uranium concentration in the ore was as low as spent uranium fuel from a nuclear reactor. The finding led scientists to believe that the uranium had already been used for energy production. This discovery shocked the world and attracted scientists fr...