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 In our world of constant change and uncertainties, there is generally a great degree of fear and intolerance among people. The usual structures, upon which we rely to build our lives, often seem to constantly shift and change, without any viable solutions to alleviate the stresses that accrue as a result. So we grab frantically at anything we can in order to continually piece together a semblance of order and stability. No one seem to know, or is able to give us real answers to all the questions that confronts us in our lives, not the politicians, priests or philosophers. We live in uncertainties daily while dreaming of a better tomorrow. A tomorrow that might, we hope, bring the peace and security we so much want in our lives. That might bring the contentment, happiness and love we so yearn for. Most of us live and die without ever finding out any real answers to the reasons why we ever lived at all. Some of us simply hold onto the usual belief systems that we’re used to as a way of edging our bets, just in case there might be some merits in them after all. And some of us just give up completely, inconsolably lost in the bitter taste of life, not caring what happens in the end.  
Like everyone else I was taught to believe that life is a linear process, from start to finish, to accept the knowledge of the past as factual and true and to create an existence around these principles.
My wanderings so far, have revealed to me that life’s progression makes constant demands for clarification. Who am I? What am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? Is this all that I am? All that I can be? Is there nothing more?
For many of us, these questions arise at some time in our lives, and for many, the answers elude us even to the grave.

We live in an age of endless wars and nameless terrors that reinforces the fear and uncertainties in our minds; of shadowy global conspiracies, Machiavellian political intrigues and unprecedented human greed; high tech civilizations and barbaric, human savagery. An age where the worship of money, insubstantial fame and materialism are flaunted with infantile glee as the only way to real human happiness. An age where stark evil and inexcusable, wanton cruelty have become art forms. An age of the corruption of things once held sacred now profaned by our blinding arrogance and incomprehensible conceit.  An age of what seems to be the deliberate and calculating denigration of the human soul.
But beyond the frustrations and disappointments we encounter daily, beyond the pain and loneliness that inevitably comes to our hearts and the darkness that brings fear and uncertainties, is a light that shines. It can appear as a light so pure in its intensity that eyes of flesh are incapable of seeing it. Or a feeling so deep, so vast that it utterly consumes you, obliterating all sense of being, transforming your soul and setting you in a nameless rapture beyond any known emotion. Or a fleeting thought, so clear, so precise, so real, that you spend the rest of your life chasing after it, trying to remember it as though it held the only key to eternal salvation. It is this sense of being, this sense of revelation and wonder, which is recognized by many human beings over the  The Formless Nature. It cannot be measured or quantified. It cannot be rationalised in human terms because it transcends all that we think and believe. It is the wellspring of all known and unknown qualities. It is the Eternal Light of Truth, the Divine Energy of all creation. 

 My personal enquiries into the nature of my own human spirituality transcend all boundaries and borders. The Supreme Potency of All Being is not limited by the minds of human beings. There is no set formula because we are all individuals with unique needs. However we can recognise our sense of unity and belonging in the silent, persistent calling of the soul; the soul of each and every human being that yearns for salvation from the turmoil of suffering and uncertainties. Therein lays our best hope for mutual respect and understanding, which we so very much need right now. ONELOVE is a calling to the human soul that leads to a journey that takes you from the here and now back to the mansions of eternity. This journey is not an easy one. It makes strenuous demands on the individual, mind, body and soul. Demands that definitely, radically alter the very way we see ourselves and the world we live in. It is uncompromising in its direction and aim. There are no promises, no priestly gowns, elaborate ceremonies or flattery of holiness and exotic heavens, only the quiet steadfast pursuit of truth, no matter the consequence. That is the Tradition. 


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